Welcome to the 2023 TTM Northern Lights edition!
In 2017 and 2019 we had the pleasure of arranging Tromsø Tango Meeting, the northernmost tango festival in the world (as far as we are aware anyway). In 2017 we had at the Midnight Sun edition and in 2019 we had the Northern Lights edition. We had an amazing time arranging these festivals, with milongas and lectures with great international teachers.
We are so proud and excited to announce that we are hosting Tromsø Tango Meeting again 14’th – 18’th of September 2023!
The venue is the amazing ballroom of Tromsø Sparebank (also known as “Rødbanken”).

Tromsø Tango Meeting is a role balanced event, and by this we only ask if you mainly dance as a leader or a follower. You can sign up without a partner, in this case you will be placed at a waiting list until there’s an even number of leaders and followers.
There will be both milongas with traditional and nuevo/alternative music.
Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this unique and amazing event! Read more and register at www.tromsotangomeeting.com/milongas
